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Vietnam BIM & VDC 

Academic Alliance

Powered by Our Industry.


Vietnam BIM & VDC Academic Alliance (VBAA) is a non-profit education and training collaborative organization developed by TBF Academy to elevate BIM and VDC use within Vietnam's AEC industry.

The TBF Academy's VBAA platform focuses on the development of BIM and VDC training and education content specifically for the building industry in Vietnam.


Our objective is to partner with industry leaders (Contractors, Designers, Owners, Suppliers, Manufacturers, etc.) to tailor content specifically for each industry’s needs when it comes to industry-specific BIM and VDC training.

Why we established this forum?
  • There are too many independent training and education outfits that are not providing real-world and industry-related focused materials for the mass professionals in our building industry.

  • There are too many theoretical BIM and technical BIM software courses and none on actual benefits and challenges of BIM in Vietnam by the people who are actually working on the BIM projects.

  • Our industry needs to team up and support each other in order to be more efficient and effective when it comes to the advancement of BIM knowledge in Vietnam. 

  • Support our country to be first in the region to create an industry academic alliance for the BIM-skill and knowledge development of our people. 

"Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence."

- Abigail Adams

Alliance Model.

VBAA Founding Members are initially selected and chosen by TBF Academy based on shared values and objectives for VBAA.

Members and levels:

  • VBAA Founding Members (7 members) and based on support efforts are lifetime founding members.

  • VBAA Founding Members establish Policies and Agreements.

  • VBAA Founding Members select VBAA Board Members (7 members) - 2-year term - based on specific criteria.

  • VBAA Board Members select VBAA Industry Members (8 members) - 1-year term - based on specific criteria.

  • VBAA Industry Members waive the membership fees for the year which they participate as industry members.

Training Contents.

VBAA Industry Members are responsible for creating the following training contents on an ongoing basis.

All training contents (online & offline) will be managed and organized by VBAA Board Members.

Certified BIM/VDC Professional (CBVP)

  • A general overview of BIM and VDC for all AEC professionals in Vietnam to become BIM-capable professionals to take on BIM/VDC projects in Vietnam. 

Certified BIM Designer: (CBD)

  • An in-depth course focused on the process and workflow specifically for BIM architects, designers, and engineers.

Certified BIM/VDC Coordinator: (CBVC)

  • The contents and programs of this course are focused on the project coordination process and workflow during the design and construction phase. 

Certified BIM/VDC Manager: (CBVM)

  • This is a comprehensive course focused on the BIM and VDC-specific project management processes and workflows for all project managers during the design and construction phase.

Our goals.


  • Make it easy and affordable for industry professionals to learn how to become BIM-capable immediately.

  • Make it efficient for industry partners to certified and registered BIM professionals.

  • Focus on developing industry-related contents that are beneficial for BIM professionals.

  • A go-to place for all training and education needs.

  • A truly collaborative environment to train, educate, and share BIM and VDC knowledge - similar to the process of BIM.

VBAA Industry Member benefits.
  • Support Vietnam to become one of the first ASEAN country to create an industry-focused academic alliance for AEC professionals.

  • Control the curriculum for training industry-specific professionals.

  • Gain the confidence of the staff by training them the right way.

  • Gain the confidence of the clients with the assurance that the team is BIM-capable.

  • Access to all the available content on the VBAA website.

  • Package deal for training and certification for the company or individual members.

  • Market exposure as a training-focused company or individual regulated by an industry-wide organization. 

Our VBAA website is coming soon.
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